Cost split accross multiple milestones.
One time payments not subscriptions.
Self hosted data and applications.
Industrial standards, and best practice.
The number of machines and devices that need to be connected to the platform will have a significant impact on the cost of the deployment. Larger deployments will typically require more hardware, software, and implementation services, which will increase the overall cost.
Different machines and devices may use different communication protocols, which can influence the cost of the deployment. For example, if the CNC machines use proprietary protocols, it may be necessary to purchase additional hardware or software to support these protocols, which can increase the cost.
The features and functionalities required by the deployment will also impact the cost of the deployment. For example, a deployment that requires real-time data analytics and visualization capabilities may require more advanced software and hardware, which will increase the cost.
The cost of implementation services, such as installation, configuration, and training, will also impact the overall cost of the deployment. Larger deployments may require more extensive implementation services, which will increase the cost.
There will also be ongoing operational costs associated with the deployment, such as staffing for ongoing maintenance of the platform, performing software updates, and end user support.